Our Approach

A place-based approach sets neighborhood residents and their physical surroundings at the heart of our work.

Woman and two boys standing on front steps of home

Placed-based = People-based

We believe our approach dignifies and empowers people. Instead of coming into a community with what we think is missing, we’d rather hear and collect the lived experiences of residents and their neighborhood. By empowering them to take the lead in revitalizing their community, they become more engaged neighbors, who gain an even better understanding of the potential their community holds.

Two men enjoying community event

Lasting relationships

Place-based also means we are committed to that neighborhood for years, even decades. We believe that’s what it takes to holistically build flourishing communities. Trust is built through intentional relationships, one person at a time, one neighborhood at a time.

The big(ger) picture

We look at these five areas, or fields, to discover what is holding communities back, and what opportunities lie untapped for creating a safe, healthy, engaged, and flourishing neighborhood.

Physical Revitalization

Creating places that are beautiful, safe, and more energy efficient.

Social Revitalization

Partnering with residents and local partners to bring the community together.

Economic Development

Connecting, job-ready candidates to viable employment opportunities.

Neighborhood Safety

Building relationships over the fence and across the street.

Leadership Development

Empower residents and identify goals for their community.

Our tools

Flourishing Neighborhood Index (FNI)

Developed by our partners at the The Lupton Center, the Flourishing Neighborhood Index is a revolutionary approach to collecting and analyzing data about a neighborhood. Data is collected by residents across a broad range of economic, social and structural categories to identify opportunities for growth and development. FNI summaries for our neighborhoods are available.

Architect's rendering of Blythe Oldfield masterplan

Neighborhood masterplans

Masterplans are an effective way to communicate a hopeful vision for the future of a community. We partner with other organizations to create masterplans as an advocacy tool for change and calling for specific development projects.

Inclusive gentrification

Gentrification with justice

The word gentrification puts a negative picture in the minds of those who advocate for residents living in economically distressed neighborhoods. Improving the conditions of a place is not inherently wrong, but how we go about that does matter. Inclusive gentrification brings gradual change and neighborhood development to an existing community, rather than rapid development meant to bring in new, wealthier individuals and families. Inclusive gentrification only happens when existing residents are involved in the process of revitalization and their voices are prioritized.

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